Tuesday, September 20, 2011

All Google Chrome starup switches - Part 2

Here a complete list of all startup switches in Chrome ad what they do:
// Allow third party content included on a page to prompt for a HTTP
// basic auth username/password pair.
const char kAllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt[]    = "allow-cross-origin-auth-prompt";

// On ChromeOS, file:// access is disabled except for certain whitelisted
// directories. This switch re-enables file:// for testing.
const char kAllowFileAccess[]               = "allow-file-access";

// Allow non-https URL for background_page for hosted apps.
const char kAllowHTTPBackgroundPage[]       = "allow-http-background-page";

// Don't block outdated plugins.
const char kAllowOutdatedPlugins[]          = "allow-outdated-plugins";

// Allows injecting extensions and user scripts on the extensions
// gallery site. Normally prevented for security reasons, but can be
// useful for automation testing of the gallery.
const char kAllowScriptingGallery[]         = "allow-scripting-gallery";

// Specifies comma separated list of extension ids to grant access to local
// websocket proxy.
const char kAllowWebSocketProxy[]           = "allow-websocket-proxy";

// Allow compositing on chrome:// pages.
const char kAllowWebUICompositing[]         = "allow-webui-compositing";

// This prevents Chrome from requiring authorization to run certain widely
// installed but less commonly used plug-ins.
const char kAlwaysAuthorizePlugins[]        = "always-authorize-plugins";

// Specifies that the associated value should be launched in "application" mode.
const char kApp[]                           = "app";

// Specifies that the extension-app with the specified id should be launched
// according to its configuration.
const char kAppId[]                         = "app-id";

// Override the apps checkout URL, which is used to determine when to expose
// some private APIs.
const char kAppsCheckoutURL[]               = "apps-checkout-url";

// Specifying this flag allows the webstorePrivate APIs to return browser (aka
// sync) login tokens to be used for auto-login in the Web Store (normally they
// do not).
const char kAppsGalleryReturnTokens[]       = "apps-gallery-return-tokens";

// The URL to use for the gallery link in the app launcher.
const char kAppsGalleryURL[]                = "apps-gallery-url";

// The update url used by gallery/webstore extensions.
const char kAppsGalleryUpdateURL[]          = "apps-gallery-update-url";

// Whether to always use the new app install bubble when installing an app.
const char kAppsNewInstallBubble[]          = "apps-new-install-bubble";

// Disable throbber for extension apps.
const char kAppsNoThrob[]                   = "apps-no-throb";

// Whitelist of servers that Negotiate will generate delegated Kerberos tickets
// for.
const char kAuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist[] =

// HTTP authentication schemes to enable. This is a comma separated list
// of authentication schemes (basic, digest, ntlm, and negotiate). By default
// all schemes are enabled. The primary use of this command line flag is to help
// triage autentication-related issues reported by end-users.
const char kAuthSchemes[]                   = "auth-schemes";

// Whitelist of servers which NTLM and Negotiate can automatically authenticate
// with using the default credentials of the currently logged in user.
const char kAuthServerWhitelist[]           = "auth-server-whitelist";

// The value of this switch tells the app to listen for and broadcast
// automation-related messages on IPC channel with the given ID.
const char kAutomationClientChannelID[]     = "automation-channel";

// Causes the automation provider to reinitialize its IPC channel instead of
// shutting down when a client disconnects.
const char kAutomationReinitializeOnChannelError[] =

// When the option to block third-party cookies from being set is enabled,
// also block third-party cookies from being read.
const char kBlockReadingThirdPartyCookies[] =

// How often (in seconds) to check for updates. Should only be used for
// testing purposes.
const char kCheckForUpdateIntervalSec[]     = "check-for-update-interval";

// Tells chrome to load the specified version of chrome.dll on Windows. If
// this version cannot be loaded, Chrome will exit.
const char kChromeVersion[]                 = "chrome-version";

// Comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites to disable.
const char kCipherSuiteBlacklist[]          = "cipher-suite-blacklist";

// Used with kCloudPrintFile.  Tells Chrome to delete the file when
// finished displaying the print dialog.
const char kCloudPrintDeleteFile[]          = "cloud-print-delete-file";

// Tells chrome to display the cloud print dialog and upload the
// specified file for printing.
const char kCloudPrintFile[]                = "cloud-print-file";

// Specifies the mime type to be used when uploading data from the
// file referenced by cloud-print-file.
// Defaults to "application/pdf" if unspecified.
const char kCloudPrintFileType[]            = "cloud-print-file-type";

// Used with kCloudPrintFile to specify a JSON print ticket for the resulting
// print job.
// Defaults to null if unspecified.
const char kCloudPrintPrintTicket[]            = "cloud-print-print-ticket";

// Used with kCloudPrintFile to specify a title for the resulting print
// job.
const char kCloudPrintJobTitle[]            = "cloud-print-job-title";

// The unique id to be used for this cloud print proxy instance.
const char kCloudPrintProxyId[]             = "cloud-print-proxy-id";

// The URL of the cloud print service to use, overrides any value
// stored in preferences, and the default.  Only used if the cloud
// print service has been enabled (see enable-cloud-print).
const char kCloudPrintServiceURL[]          = "cloud-print-service";

// Comma-separated options to troubleshoot the component updater.
// Only valid for the browser process.
const char kComponentUpdaterDebug[]         = "component-updater-debug";

// Causes the browser process to inspect loaded and registered DLLs for
// known conflicts and warn the user.
const char kConflictingModulesCheck[]       = "conflicting-modules-check";

// The Country we should use.  This is normally obtained from the operating
// system during first run and cached in the preferences afterwards.  This is a
// string value, the 2 letter code from ISO 3166-1.
const char kCountry[]                       = "country";

// Causes the browser process to crash if browser threads are not responding for
// the given number of seconds.
const char kCrashOnHangSeconds[]            = "crash-on-hang-seconds";

// Comma separated list of BrowserThreads that cause browser process to crash if
// the given browser thread is not responsive. UI,IO,DB,FILE,CACHE are the list
// of BrowserThreads that are supported.
// For example:
//    --crash-on-hang-threads=UI,IO --> Crash the browser if UI or IO thread is
//                                      not responsive.
const char kCrashOnHangThreads[]            = "crash-on-hang-threads";

// Causes the browser process to crash if the number of browser threads that are
// responding is equal to the given number.
// For example:
//    --crash-on-live=1 --> Crash if only one thread is responsive and all other
//                          threads are not responsive.
const char kCrashOnLive[]                   = "crash-on-live";

// Path to the inspector files on disk (allows reloading of devtool files
// without having to restart the browser).
const char kDebugDevToolsFrontend[]         = "debug-devtools-frontend";

// Enables a frame context menu item that toggles the frame in and out of glass
// mode (Windows Vista and up only).
const char kDebugEnableFrameToggle[]        = "debug-enable-frame-toggle";

// Enables support to debug printing subsystem.
const char kDebugPrint[]                    = "debug-print";

// Specifies the URL at which to fetch configuration policy from the device
// management backend. Specifying this switch turns on managed policy from the
// device management backend.
const char kDeviceManagementUrl[]           = "device-management-url";

// Triggers a pletora of diagnostic modes.
const char kDiagnostics[]                   = "diagnostics";

// Replaces the audio IPC layer for