Thursday, September 4, 2008

Google Chrome Tricks

There are a lot of tricks in Google Chrome. I report here a list of all I've found

In address bar type:

about:network show stats for network usage
about:stats show general statistics about Google Chrome usage
about:cache chache usage
about:histograms show Chrome performances
about:plugins All plugins installed, fantastic!
about:dns Show Prefetched DNS
about:version Google Chrome Version
about:memory Browsers and Browser's process memory usage
about:crash crash the active tab
about:hang ??? help me :)
about:internets this is an Easter egg, show 3D savescreen

if you type ":%" (without quotes) Google Chrome Crash immediatly.

Shortcut List

1) F3 & CTRL+F Search on Page
2) F5 Reload
3) CTRL+D bookmark
4) CTRL+W close Google Chrome Window
5) CTRL+E enter search query at address bar
6) CTRL+R Refresh
7) CTRL+T New Tab
8) CTRL+U view source
9) CTRL+O Open Web Page
10) CTRL+H History
11) CTRL+J Download File History
12) CTRL+B Show/Hide Bookmark Toolbar
13) CTRL+N new Google Chrome window
14) CTRL +/- increase decrease Fonts
15) CTRL+P Print
16) ALT+D Select Address bar
17) ALT+leftArrow/RightArrow Go Backword/Forword
18) ALT+` Java Debugger
19) CTRL+TAB or CTRL+PGUP/PGDW switch between Tabs
20) CTRL+SHIFT+N Private Browsing (New incognito window)
21) SHIFT+ECS Chrome Task Manager

Have a Good Navigation


Unknown said...

Google chrom is a faster way of web search.everyone can access it's free. who man is a new web browser or downloader or online worker everybody need to Google Search for complete his/her working. thanks everyone!